Get Out The Vote!

This series of social graphics was crafted to encourage voter turnout, blending diverse styles within brand guidelines to engage a broad audience. Each design was thoughtfully created to resonate across different demographics while delivering a unified message.

Skills used: Illustration, Blending shapes, Layout, Social media design

Programs: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

Vote No August Election Campaign

In this ‘Vote No’ campaign, I collaborated with a team to create clear, educational content across multiple 
social platforms. We aimed to simplify complex issues, empowering voters with accessible information
to make informed choices at the polls. The bottom row of graphics was shared as an Instagram carousel, making it easy for voters to swipe through and get all the key info they needed before Election Day!

Skills used: Concepting, Long-form text, Layout, Branding, Building vector graphics​​​​​​​

Programs: Adobe Illustrator

3 Votes Per Ward

This graphic was designed to highlight how close Wisconsin elections can be and the importance of every vote. Like most of my projects, I created it in three different layouts to optimize for various social platforms, ensuring maximum reach and impact.

Skills used: Layout, Use of texture, Informational design

Programs: Adobe Illustrator

Images With Reach!

These images showcase some of my most widely viewed work across WisDems social platforms. Using digital collage, vector graphics, and bold imagery, I crafted visuals that delivered a clear, impactful message to engage and inspire audiences online.

Skills Used: Digital photo collage, Conceptual imagery, Messaging

Programs: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

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